SPA Assistant Professor Presents Findings to the State's LHHS Committee
November 1, 2017

In early November, Assistant Professor Nick Edwardson was invited to present to the state’s Legislative Health and Human Services Committee (LHHS) on work he and his colleagues completed on Consumer Participation in Marketplace Health Plans.
Pictured far-right, Dr. Edwardson, along with colleagues from UNM’s College of Population Health, Department of Economics, and College of Pharmacy detailed findings from their 18-month study that evaluated the composition of individuals who obtained health coverage through one of two key arms of the Affordable Care Act—Medicaid expansion and Marketplace health plans.
Results from Dr. Edwardson’s work suggest adverse selection occurred for individual’s moving into Marketplace coverage, but that this effect was reduced in states that accepted Medicaid expansion. Other key findings from the study indicate that efficient consumption of healthcare occurred for individuals moving from uninsured status into Marketplace coverage and that inefficient consumption likely occurred for two other categories: 1.) those who were uninsured and obtained Medicaid coverage 2.) those who were previously insured by their employers and obtained Marketplace coverage.
The presentation to LHHS was covered in the Santa Fe New Mexican. Additional information, including findings can be found at the LHHS Committee Handouts as Item 5.